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The Art Desk
David Nice 5.8.2023
"The conductor’s role is unobtrusive, so I asked Theodor later what he thought. Excellent, came the reply, because the cellist’s role in this meditation where the solo voice finally falls silent is about 70 per cent improvised, so Finnish-American Aku Sorensen needed to be exceptionally vigilant, and he was: another beneficiary of superb training from Jorma Panula and others in Helsinki."
Lapin Kansa
Veera Vasara 7.1.2020
Article on the Sounds of Luosto festival Aku is the artistic director of. Includes interview on programming for 2020.
This is Finland
Carina Chela 1.2020
"Aku Sorensen, a Finnish American violinist and conductor, says that at Sibelius Academy he has 'freedom to develop as a conductor.'"
Mats Liljeroos 10.3.2019
"En speciell eloge går till konsertmästaren Aku Sorensen för utsökt sensitiva soloinsatser i Carwithenkonserten."
Special recognition goes to concertmaster Aku Sorensen for exquisitely sensitive solos in the Carwithen concerto
Rondo Lehti
Harri Kuusisaari 23.7.2021
A profile of Aku in the highest circulation Finnish classical music periodical.
Article on the founding of the Sounds of Luosto festival Aku is the artistic director of.
Helsingin Sanomat
Vesa Sirén 1.2.2020
"Vastakkaisten karakterien vuorottelu onnistuu hyvin. Orkesteri seuraa mieluusti hänen jokaista kädenliikettään myös Mahlerin pienissä hidastus- ja nopeutusmerkinnöissä."
The rapid shifting between contrasting characters is very successful. The orchestra happily follows his every motion, especially in Mahler's delicate tempo changes
Lapin Kansa
Anu Jormalainen 30.10.2020
""... särmien otteiden perusteella voi konsertin apulaiskapellimestarille povata valoisaa tulevaisuutta podiumilla."
On the basis of his firm control [of the Straivinsky], this concert's assistant conductor has a bright future on the podium.
Photo by Mario Ramirez
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